Thsinde - thsidne Aquarium Thermometer, Digital Touch Screen Fish Tank Thermometer, Cordless Led Screen Thermometer With Sticker For Aquarium

Thsinde - thsidne Aquarium Thermometer, Digital Touch Screen Fish Tank Thermometer, Cordless Led Screen Thermometer With Sticker For Aquarium
Categories: Fish, Fish Tanks
28.01 GBP
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Description: The digital thermometer can be brightened by fingerprint touch. The LED digital display screen can show the temperature clearly. The aquarium thermometer has no probes or messy wires in the water and backside. Ideal for water or high moisture environments like aquarium terrarium, or vivarium; suitable for different water types such as freshwater, tap water, salty water, marine water, etc.InstallationMethod:1.Tearofftheadhesivefilmandstickthethermometerontheoutsideofthefishtankbelowthewaterlevelline.Afterstandingfor10minutes,thetemperaturecanbeaccuratelymeasured.2.Touchtodisplaythereal-timetemperature,andthedisplaywillturnoffafter10seconds.3.Reminderofbatteryreplacement:lowcurrent"Lb"character,pleasereplacethebatteryintime.