Material: High quality and hard materials, long-term use, biosecurity. Suitable for the aquarium, aquarium and circulation system. Increase oxygen and reduce carbon dioxide content. Utilisation: DA DAGQUE De PIENTÉUAL Convill aux of AUX Aquate Convaciques Aquesomes Accessories at Unaises’ em or water or waterscape with magnifices, at sea / Dagnifies, the CAPLIATION OF Eau, the suffIT of Connects the aquarium Air pump. easy to utiliser: CANNINGZ-VOUS A 2 and old pomets and la-Eau pour preo Aider La Pompe to Air in the water. Utilisation répéete: The dorom of Air and pédilders and godding and vousyes easy puetlement easy to nettueau. Deaver: Diametre 8cm / p> Nature: Sabe De Franmetting to Uminta Température Product: AQUARIUM PRODUCS quantity: 4 balactityistem: The Adventure Frometere-Italian Province of Culture and Frepher To Naignette, Darlu Bulles 5 Petritures and Differees in the commerce. Le Mattérais Elenal et Durillailli, et il Peut êto Nettayé to Plusieurs, Long Termeythetr.